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Business Walker
Put your best foot forward!
Your feet are your foundation.
Personal image is all-important in today’s business world, and maintaining it can often mean spending long periods of time in uncomfortable footwear. Pain is relieved when your shoes come off! The Business Walker orthotic will alleviate foot discomfort, allowing you to focus on getting the job done!
The Business Walker supports busy people, helping to activate the body’s complex nerve and muscle system, stabilising the muscle chain and allowing the body to work as it was meant to.
Instead of providing functional substitution, as traditional orthoses do, the Business Walker encourages the senso-motor activity of the entire body.
Why choose the Business Walker?
Remedy mal-alignments of the foot, correct unnecessary loads on the knee, hip joints and back.
Activate the muscle system, supporting its balance and coordination.
Reduce pain experienced in joints and the back as a result of long periods of time in business shoes.
Provide comfort in business shoes for longer periods of time.
Developed by a team of musculoskeletal specialists and orthopaedic technique
practitioners the Business Walker orthotic unites foot health, comfort and good looks in one product.
The Business Walker orthotic is prescribed and custom fit exclusively at Shoetech, specialists in relieving foot and ankle pain.